TL 14

Tom LaFountain

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The US Open at Pinehurst is holding true to form. Many of the golfers began arriving at Pinehurst on Monday and by Wednesday we began seeing a lot of wrist, forearm, shoulder and neck complaints. Although the course doesn’t have a typical rough, if you do not keep it in the fairway, clumps of long grass, sand and stray pockets of grass will make your second shot difficult. The demand on the golfer’s body will be an abrupt deceleration after impact or a twisting of the clubhead as it contacts uneven lies. Either situation will put enormous stress on the muscles, ligaments and joints of the upper extremities, shoulder and neck. 


Wrist sprains, extensor forearm tendinitis, rotator cuff strain and cervical muscular strain are prevalent conditions that we have been treating in the PGA Performance Center. Depending on the severity the golfers will be seen 1-2 times per day to control and alleviate symptoms. All treatments demand a comprehensive approach since control of symptoms on a timely basis is imperative, especially at a Major. Detailed assessments make for an effective treatment regime. Advanced soft tissue procedures, mobilization, manipulation, specific and global rehabilitation protocols provide the corrections necessary for healing. Adjunctive support with sports taping, cold plunges, electrical stimulation and dry needling can be utilized when necessary.


A challenging environment for a clinician. Overcoming the challenges and improving the golfer’s ability to perform gives meaning to what we do. Overall it is a rewarding week when you are prepared for the challenges.


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